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Current trends of defending in space - Seminar 1+2 (Download)

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Current trends of defending in space - Seminar 1+2 (Download)
Current trends of defending in space Seminar 1Variants and basic movements of the back four Author and Presenter: Ralf PeterDirector and Editor: Peter SchreinerAnimations: 21 - Graphics: 10 - Playtime: 64 Min. Main topics: Part 1 - Defending deep in the own halfGeneral comments on the topicGame strategies against the defense behavior in space are developed and refined: Coordinated paths Actions between the defensive chains Planned game relocation Philosophy of attacking the 2nd ball Targeted training of important techniques(e.g., "gap passes", diagonal balls, long-range flat passes) Consequence: Defensive strategies have to be developed or adapted against these strategies! Basic movements of the back four: Analysis - Changes - Trends Shifting sideways Holding the height Moving backwards ("falling") Moving forward ("push forward") Changes in the basic movements Changes in shifting behavior Player between the lines Lateral shifting during attacking pressing Lateral shifting during defensive pressing Behavior after the enemy breaks through on the wing Behavior in counterpressing Reaction to opposing basic orders „Back Five“ -  „Back Three“ - a new trend? Seminar 2Exercises for the defensive chain and their coaching Author and Presenter: Ralf PeterDirector and Editor: Peter SchreinerAnimations: 5 - Graphics: 19 - Playtime: 45 Min. Main topics: Exercise recommendations for the defensive chain Exercises and their coaching Types of training forms: Training forms under simplified game conditions Training forms under competitive conditions Individual and group tactical exercises Team tactical training forms Exercises under complicated game conditions Group tactical training forms: Defensive behavior on the wing Defensive behavior in the center Complex defensive behavior - Control options Team tactical training forms: Control elements Organizational tips

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Pep Guardiola Tactics - Successful wing play - 1-4-3-3 (Download)

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Pep Guardiola Tactics - Successful wing play - 1-4-3-3 (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios TerzisLanguage: EnglishLength: 68 min. Successful wing play with the 1-4-3-3 formation – Positioning, movements and combination play on the wings based on the tactics of Pep Guardiola with Manchester City When a team dictates possession, the opponents are usually forced in a passive role within their own half of the field. In order to be effective during defending they get well organized and compact especially in the central area which is the crucial part of the field. This reaction makes it difficult for the attacking team to break through them from the centre, so they should search for solutions in wide areas were more space can be found. In this presentation, which includes detailed diagrams and videos, we will analyse the attacking tactics of Pep Guardiola with Manchester City. The focus will be on how, through appropriate positioning, well timed movements and effective combination play on the wings, the Citizens manage to break through the opposition. Great attention is paid to the positioning and the reactions of the opposition, as the opponents play significant role in every tactical situation and we have to take them into account for appropriate decision making. Additionally, several animated drills are presented to help coaches apply the tactics used by Pep Guardiola to their teams, by simply adding or adjusting them to their own training sessions.    The analysed tactics for successful wing play can also be used with every possible formation by making the appropriate adjustments.

Positional Training - Seminar 5 (Download)

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Positional Training - Seminar 5 (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter Positional Training 5 - Positions #7, #11 and Central Strikers Position training - outer wing players and central strikers are the topic of the 5th part of this seminar series.Theory and practice: Technical and tactical requirements of the wing players and center forwards; Important position techniques; Position-training prioritizing technique in the build-up 11 vs. 11; 5 variations to 11 vs. 0; Positional training under simplified competitive conditions; competition-like position play. Training forms for position-training concentrating on technique: Small group as a special training; "The team trains the position" (connecting the special training of the game position with the team training).Playing time: approx. 57 minutes

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Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 2 (Download)

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Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 2 (Download)
Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 2 - Practice Models 1 Duration: 53 min. - Slices: 42 - Animations: 12 -Graphics: 30      Ralf Peter is the tactics Expert of the DFB (DFB Coach and Teacher at the Pro License Courses) who brought the ideas of an effective pressing and counter pressing to the German coaches. Now you can take part at his seminars while watching his seminar series as streaming or download.

Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 4 (Download)

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Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 4 (Download)
Pressing in Soccer Part 4 – Counter Pressing Basics – Information in Detail – Practics Activities Duration: 56 min. - Slices: 49 - Animations: 16 - Graphics: 3          Ralf Peter is the tactics Expert of the DFB (DFB Coach and Teacher at the Pro License Courses) who brought the ideas of an effective pressing and counter pressing to the German coaches. Now you can take part at his seminars while watching his seminar series as streaming or download.

Pep Guardiola Tactics - Attacking midfielders in overload creation and exploitation - 1-4-3-3 (Download)

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Pep Guardiola Tactics - Attacking midfielders in overload creation and exploitation - 1-4-3-3 (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios TerzisLanguage: EnglishLength: 51 min. The role of attacking midfielders in overload creation and exploitation with the 1-4-3-3 – An analysis of Pep Guardiola tactics with Manchester City The role of the attacking midfielders in the 1-4-3-3 formation is very important. These two are usually key players in the 1-4-3-3 so they have to be top quality. Apart from their technical excellence, the attacking midfielders have to have high tactical awareness, as this will enable them to create situations in order to break through the opposition’s defensive organization. One of the situations which helps an attacking team to break through the opposition’s defence is the creation of overloads (numerical superiority). Creating overloads is of high priority for teams that aim to apply the principles of positional play. In this presentation, which includes detailed diagrams and videos, we will analyse the attacking tactics of Pep Guardiola with Manchester City and we will focus on how, through intelligent positioning, the attacking midfielders create overloads in specific areas of the field. Additionally, we will present how these overloads can be exploited by good decision making and appropriate combination play. In every tactical situation analysed, the opponents play a significant role, so they can’t be left outside of the context. That’s why in this project the reaction of the opposition is always taken into account so that players end up with the appropriate decision making. Finally, the animated drills are designed to train players in taking the right decisions by reading the reaction of the opponent as well as to help coaches apply these tactics to their teams, by simply adding or adjusting them to their own training sessions.  The overload creation and exploitation analysed can also be used in every possible formation by making the appropriate adjustments.

Current trends of defending in space - Seminar 2 (Download)

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Current trends of defending in space - Seminar 2 (Download)
Current trends of defending in space Seminar 2Exercises for the defensive chain and their coaching Author and Presenter: Ralf PeterDirector and Editor: Peter SchreinerAnimations: 5 - Graphics: 19 - Playtime: 45 Min. Main topics: Exercise recommendations for the defensive chain Exercises and their coaching Types of training forms: Training forms under simplified game conditions Training forms under competitive conditions Individual and group tactical exercises Team tactical training forms Exercises under complicated game conditions Group tactical training forms: Defensive behavior on the wing Defensive behavior in the center Complex defensive behavior - Control options Team tactical training forms: Control elements Organizational tips

Variable Pressing Strategies - Seminar 3 (Download)

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Variable Pressing Strategies - Seminar 3 (Download)
Variable Pressing Strategies Seminar 3: Training recommendations and Coaching   Author und Presenter: Ralf PeterDirector and Editor: Peter SchreinerAnimations: 2 - Graphics: 20 - Playtime: 42 Min.   Main topics: Improvement of individual tactical behavior Approaching Positioning the opponent Directing / Controlling Clever 1-on-1 behavior Improvement of group tactics Doubling in different situations Securing Improvement of team tactics Variable adaptation of the pressing strategy Mastery of various pressing strategies Mastery of alternative basic orders Training examples for complex group tactics Training in cutouts (1) Training in cutouts (2) Training in cutouts (3) Training in cutouts (4) Training in cutouts (5) Training examples group tactics – Directed inwards complex Training example / team tactics

Modern Defending - Part 2 - Group Tactics (Download)

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Modern Defending - Part 2 - Group Tactics (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter (DFB coach and educator) Length: 55 minutes   Soccer Tactics Modern Defending - Part 2 - Group Defense Tactics   This eVideo includes: - 2 v. 3 attackers outnumber defenders - 2 v. 1 defenders outnumber attacker  - 2 v. 2 equal number of attackers and defenders   Building on individual defensive training, the next critical step forward toward ball-oriented defense is to learn defensive tactics for groups of two, three and four players. Outnumbering your opponents near the ball is the ultimate goal of ball-oriented defense.   Series Modern Defending 1-3 In this series the Ralf Peter shows a systematic method of teaching ball-oriented defense, focusing on: tactical sequences in detail, recognizing and correcting mistakes, and relevant exercises. Whether your formation includes a sweeper, a back three or a back four, 1 v. 1 play is the foundation for all forms of defending. That's why individual defensive training is the first step toward ball-oriented defense. Building on individual defensive training, the next critical step forward toward ball-oriented defense is to learn defensive tactics for groups of two, three and four. Outnumbering your opponents near the ball is the ultimate goal of ball-oriented defense. Introducing the back four system (basic movement of the back four, back four plus two midfield defenders, back four plus four midfielders, playing with a 4-4-2 system: defensive third and midfield pressing, attacking third pressing).

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Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 3 (Download)

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Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 3 (Download)
Pressing in Soccer (Part 3) – Practice Models 2 Duration: 50 min. - Slices: 39 - Animations: 16 - Graphics: 53   Ralf Peter is the tactics Expert of the DFB (DFB Coach and Teacher at the Pro License Courses) who brought the ideas of an effective pressing and counter pressing to the German coaches. Now you can take part at his seminars while watching his seminar series as streaming or download.

Guardiola, Klopp and Sarri - Penetrate the opponent´s lines with the 1-4-3-3 (Download)

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Guardiola, Klopp and Sarri - Penetrate the opponent´s lines with the 1-4-3-3 (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios TerzisLanguage: EnglishLength: 67 min. How to penetrate the opponents’ lines with the 1-4-3-3 formation – Finding a way to move the ball to the free space between lines according to tactics used by Guardiola, Klopp and Sarri The aim during the attacking phase is to create scoring chances and scoring goals. In order to achieve this the ball should be moved in specific areas of the field so that a final pass or a cross under good conditions can be made. Moving the ball to the desired areas can be carried out through different styles of building up. If positional play is chosen then short passing and gradual build up is used, whereas in case of direct play long balls are played. Finally, when mixed build up is applied both short and long passing is used. In this presentation which includes detailed diagrams and videos, we will analyse the tactics used mainly by Pep Guardiola and other top coaches like Jurgen Klopp and Maurizio Sarri. The concepts of space, of effective supporting angles and the types of passes (first, second and third line) used according to the situation, are analysed in detail. The focus is on how all the above can be used effectively in order for the attacking team to exploit the available space between lines. By this strategy the ball is gradually moved from line to line, with short and safe passing until it reaches the desired areas for creating scoring chances. The analysis is followed by animated drills to help coaches apply the tactics used to their teams, by simply adding or adjusting them to their own training sessions. The analysed tactics for penetrating the opposition’s lines is presented with the 1-4-3-3 formation, but it can also be used with every possible formation by making the appropriate adjustments. 

Attacking Out of the Back Three - Seminar 1 (Download)

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Attacking Out of the Back Three - Seminar 1 (Download)
Author and presenter: Steven Turek Director and editor: Peter Schreiner Seminar 1: Principles - Errors - Game Solutions Animations: 6 - Graphics: 24 - Duration: 48 Min. Main topics: In this online seminar, Steven Turek presents ideas for the "Attacking out of the back three". The seminar is divided into two modules. While the first part deals with tactical game solutions, Part 2 takes care of the concrete implementation in training practice! Contents Part 1: First, Steven Turek describes the individual perspectives under which the back three can be seen, and in this context explains the influence of the back three on the fur-ther offensive game. Next, he describes variants in the formation of the back three, as well as frequent sources of error. Afterwards, he describes team tactical game solutions from the back three based on concrete game situations. All solutions are characterized by a high level of detail knowledge and alternatives, with different op-ponent behavior! How can the back three be formed? Variants and errors Use the back three against one or two strikers Create overload situations and use them effectively Concrete game solutions

Pressing with 4-2-3-1 (Jurgen Klopp case study) (Download)

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Pressing with 4-2-3-1 (Jurgen Klopp case study) (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios Terzis Director and Producer: Peter Schreiner Language: English Length: 55 min.   Pressing application with the 4-2-3-1 formation (A Jurgen Klopp’s Borussia Dortmund case study) This presentation provides an analysis of how pressing can be applied with the 4-2-3-1 formation. Which are the steps that should be followed and which are the aims during pressing application in order to create the ideal pressing situation. Additionally there will be analysis of how ultra-offensive pressing can be carried out as well as how to switch from passive defending to pressing at the right moment. Diagram. First step for applying pressing is creating a strong side   Diagram. Second step is applying pressure on the ball while at the same time applying double marking, closely marking of the players near the ball zone and creating numbers up near the ball zone  

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The Interface Pass - Part 2 (Download)

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The Interface Pass - Part 2 (Download)
Presenter: Peter Hyballa Director: Peter Schreiner Lenght: 72 Min.   The Interface Pass - Part 2 Drills and detailed coaching in the immediate space around the goal Main topics: 3-Zone-Play (space-, time- and pressure of opponent) Positional games with finishes competitive exercises close to the goal As it was already in the eVideo: "Tiqui Taca - One Touch", the focus is on DETAIL COACHING in addition to the presentation of interesting competitive exercises and training forms. Peter Hyballa shows in detail how the players really learn tactically clever behaviour in every training session if the trainer coaches a training form correctly. Coordinated and planned releasing Open spaces Create passing options Combine very quickly Play precise passes into the interface Get into the back of the defense Score goals

Positional Training - Seminar 3 (Download)

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Positional Training - Seminar 3 (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter Positional Training 3 - Wing Defender This seminar is about the technical and tactical requirements for building up the game of the full back. It is about important functions in the build-up, changes of position, situational participation in the offensive play, basic behavior in opening the play (build-up over the wing, initiation of shifting the play, target passes to the 6, attacking balls into the attacking center, flat or as a long ball).Playing time: approx. 49 minutes

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Current trends of defending in space - Seminar 1 (Download)

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Current trends of defending in space - Seminar 1 (Download)
Current trends of defending in space Seminar 1Variants and basic movements of the back four Author and Presenter: Ralf PeterDirector and Editor: Peter SchreinerAnimations: 21 - Graphics: 10 - Playtime: 64 Min. Main topics: Part 1 - Defending deep in the own halfGeneral comments on the topicGame strategies against the defense behavior in space are developed and refined: Coordinated paths Actions between the defensive chains Planned game relocation Philosophy of attacking the 2nd ball Targeted training of important techniques(e.g., "gap passes", diagonal balls, long-range flat passes) Consequence: Defensive strategies have to be developed or adapted against these strategies! Basic movements of the back four: Analysis - Changes - Trends Shifting sideways Holding the height Moving backwards ("falling") Moving forward ("push forward") Changes in the basic movements Changes in shifting behavior Player between the lines Lateral shifting during attacking pressing Lateral shifting during defensive pressing Behavior after the enemy breaks through on the wing Behavior in counterpressing Reaction to opposing basic orders „Back Five“ -  „Back Three“ - a new trend?

The Interface Pass - Part 1 (Download)

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The Interface Pass - Part 1 (Download)
Presenter: Peter Hyballa Director: Peter Schreiner Lenght: 89 Min.   The Interface Pass - Part 1 Drills and detailed coaching in the immediate space around the goal Main topics: Passing- and combination exercises Position training (9 and 10) As it was already in the eVideo: "Tiqui Taca - One Touch", the focus is on DETAIL COACHING in addition to the presentation of interesting competitive exercises and training forms. Peter Hyballa shows in detail how the players really learn tactically clever behaviour in every training session if the trainer coaches a training form correctly. Coordinated and planned releasing Open spaces Create passing options Combine very quickly Play precise passes into the interface Get into the back of the defense Score goals

Positional Training - Seminar 1 (Download)

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Positional Training - Seminar 1 (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter Positional Training 1 - Introduction Why it is so important in modern football to organize a small group training for each position (center back, full back, center midfielders, wing players and center attackers), is the subject of the first position-training seminar. Also: How do you organize a team training so that a targeted position training is possible?Playing time: approx. 44 minutes

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Defending with 4-4-2 (Atletico Madrid case study) (Download)

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Defending with 4-4-2 (Atletico Madrid case study) (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios Terzis Director and Producer: Peter Schreiner Language: English Length: 73 min.   Defending with the 4-4-2 formation (A Diego Simeone’s Atletico Madrid case study) Diego Simeone’s side during the last three seasons (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16) managed to win La Liga (2013-14) and reached the champions League final twice (2013-14 and 2015-16). Additionally in all three seasons they finished La Liga with the best defensive record. Specifically during season 2013-14 Atletico finished by conceding 26 goals and by keeping 20 clean sheets. During season 2014-15 they conceded 29 goals and kept 19 clean sheets while during season 2015-16 Atletico conceded 18 goals in 38 matches and kept 24 clean sheets. This presentation tries to provide an analysis of why Atletico Madrid defends successfully by using the 4-4-2 formation. What are the aims during the defensive phase and how these aims are achieved. The presentation will be supported by video analysis and animation as well as animated drills. Diagram. 4-4-2 vs the 4-4-2. The defenders are focused on man marking the players within their zone of responsibility while the midfielders retain cohesion and mark the space   Diagram. 4-4-2 vs the 4-3-3. The defenders are focused on retaining a 2 v 1 in the center vs the center forward. The midfielders are close to each other and defend the space.  

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Creating and exploiting space (4-2-3-1 against 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1) (Download)

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Creating and exploiting space (4-2-3-1 against 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1) (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios Terzis Director and Producer: Peter Schreiner Language: English Length: 79 min.   Breaking down the opposition’s defence by creating and exploiting space with the 4-2-3-1 formation against the 4-4-2 or the 4-2-3-1 This presentation provides examples from the tactics of several top coaches such as Marcelo Bielsa, Jurgen Klopp, Jose Mourinho, Massimiliano Allegri and Maurizio Sarri about how to break down a defence through creating and exploiting space with the 4-2-3-1 formation. The popular formation can be used in order to drag defenders out of position and create space in specific areas. This space can be exploited by certain players and in different ways. However if space is not created the players who take part in the situation have other alternative options. The presentation will be supported by video analysis and animation as well as animated drills.  

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Creating and exploting space (3-5-2 against 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1) (Download)

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Creating and exploting space (3-5-2 against 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1) (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios Terzis Director and Producer: Peter Schreiner Language: English Length: 68 min.   Creating and exploiting space with the 3-5-2 formation (An Antonio Conte’s Juventus case study) This presentation provides an analysis of how a team that uses the 3-5-2 formation can create and exploit gaps in the opposition’s defensive line. The specific formation can be used in order to drag defenders out of position and create space in specific areas. This space can be exploited by certain players and in different ways. However if space is not created the players who take part in the situation have other alternative options. The presentation will be supported by video analysis and animation as well as animated drills. Diagram. Areas where space can be created with the 3-5-2 formation   Diagram. Creating space for the center forward to exploit  

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Quick and successful negative transition (Pep Guardiola case study) (Download)

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Quick and successful negative transition (Pep Guardiola case study) (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios Terzis Director and Producer: Peter Schreiner Language: English Length: 60 min.   Effective attacking play combined with quick and successful negative transition using the 4-3-3 formation (FC Barcelona style of play) The presentation sets a light on how a possession style of play can help a team be extremely effective during the negative transition phase by regaining possession immediately after losing the ball. It provides a complete guide from the basics up to the most complex situations of how a team can use the 4-3-3 formation effectively during the attacking phase, while at the same time stays well balanced and ready to win the ball back as soon as they lose possession. Video analysis from Barcelona style of play and animation will be used to support the analysis as well as animated drills. Diagram. The appropriate shape during attacking creates many passing options   Diagram. Losing possession   Diagram. The appropriate attacking shape makes the immediate regaining of possession easier by double or triple marking the new player in possession, marking or putting in the shadow the players near the ball zone, controlling the players who can move forward and marking closely the forward potential receiver.  

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Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 1 (Download)

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Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 1 (Download)
Pressing in Soccer - Seminar 1 - Theory and Analysis Duration: 58 min. - Slices: 71 - Animations: 13 - Graphics: 8  Topics of this online seminar: Strategies for Winning the Ball (Analyseis and Comparison Pressing and Variations of Pressing Ralf Peter is the tactics Expert of the DFB (DFB Coach and Teacher at the Pro License Courses) who brought the ideas of an effective pressing and counter pressing to the German coaches. Now you can take part at his seminars while watching his seminar series as streaming or download.

Ball-oriented Defense (Download)

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Ball-oriented Defense (Download)
Presenter: Ralf Peter (DFB coach and educator)  Editorial Direction: Erich Rutemöller (former DFB Director of Coaching)  Length: 57 minutes   Ball-oriented Defense Introducing Basic Defense Formations This eVideo shows how to start teaching the basics of ball-oriented defense (providing support, covering teammates, double teaming on the player with the ball) at the 11- and 12-year-old age level. For more advanced players, it also present a step-by-step procedure for introducing defense formations, using the back four as an example. The third part of this eVideo contains exercises developed specially to teach individual and group defense tactics.  eVideo includes: - Using small-sided games to teach tactics (games in which one team outnumbers the other) - Teaching the back four step by step; basic movements, back four against attacking formation with two forwards cooperation with midfield and goalkeeper. - Teaching ball-oriented defense step by step: basic individual tactics, defending in pais, fending in groups of three.

Modern Defending - Part 1 - Individual Tactics (Download)

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Modern Defending - Part 1 - Individual Tactics (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter (DFB coach and educator) Length: 40 minutes   Soccer Tactics Modern Defending - Part 1 - Individual Defense Tactics   This eVideo includes: - 1 v. 1 defense (defender facing attacker) - The role of individual tactics in the playing system - 1 v. 1 defense (attackers back to defender) - 1 v. 2 defense    Whether your formation includes a sweeper, a back three or a back four, 1 v. 1 play is the foundation for all forms of defending. That's why individual defensive training is the first step toward ball-oriented defense.   Series Modern Defending 1-3 In this series the Ralf Peter shows a systematic method of teaching ball-oriented defense, focusing on: tactical sequences in detail, recognizing and correcting mistakes, and relevant exercises. Whether your formation includes a sweeper, a back three or a back four, 1 v. 1 play is the foundation for all forms of defending. That's why individual defensive training is the first step toward ball-oriented defense. Building on individual defensive training, the next critical step forward toward ball-oriented defense is to learn defensive tactics for groups of two, three and four. Outnumbering your opponents near the ball is the ultimate goal of ball-oriented defense. Introducing the back four system (basic movement of the back four, back four plus two midfield defenders, back four plus four midfielders, playing with a 4-4-2 system: defensive third and midfield pressing, attacking third pressing).

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Diego Simeone Tactics - Atletico Madrid- Counterattacking - 4-4-2 (Download)

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Diego Simeone Tactics - Atletico Madrid- Counterattacking - 4-4-2 (Download)
Author and Presenter: Athanasios TerzisLanguage: EnglishLength: 69 min. Counterattacking with the 1-4-4-2 formation – An analysis of the tactics of Diego Simeone The counterattack is a part of the positive transition phase and it can be proved a very effective weapon in order to score goals and win matches. This stands not only for teams which apply a counterattacking style of play, like Atletico Madrid, but also for teams and coaches who want to apply any style of play like positional, direct or mixed.   In this presentation, which includes detailed diagrams and videos, we will analyse the stages of the counterattack and how Atletico Madrid of Diego Simeone, one of the most successful counterattacking sides, apply their tactics to counterattack with the fewest possible passes and within the less possible time. The present project provides also information about how the players will counterattack effectively according to the part of the field where possession is won, and which is the best way to secure possession when the opponents put pressure on the ball to stop the counter. Furthermore, it includes information about how the defensive positioning of the forwards affects the counterattack and where the target player should move to find the free space according to the positioning of his direct marker. Finally, the twelve progressively designed drills will help coaches to train their players in order to carry out quick and effective counterattacks by simply adding or adjusting them to their own training sessions.  

Positional Training - Seminar 4 (Download)

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Positional Training - Seminar 4 (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter Positional Training 4 - The #6 Position In seminar 04, Ralf Peter presents a special position-training focusing on the technique for the 6s. Theory: Technical and tactical requirements; important position techniques; position-training focusing on the technique of the back four (focus: performing together with the 6's); Anti-Pressing ball. Training exercises for position-training focusing on the technique: Small group as a special training; "The team trains the position" (connecting the special training of the game position with the team training).Playing time: approx. 45 minutes

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Attacking Out of the Back Three - Seminar 2 (Download)

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Attacking Out of the Back Three - Seminar 2 (Download)
Author and presenter: Steven Turek Director and editor: Peter Schreiner Seminar 2: Coaching - Training Forms Animations: 14 - Graphics: 18 - Duration: 59 Min. Main topics: In this online seminar, Steven Turek presents ideas for the "Attacking out of the back three". The seminar is divided into two modules. While the first part deals with tactical game solutions, Part 2 takes care of the concrete implementation in training practice! Contents Part 2: In Part two trainable contents of the back three are derived, explained and finally integrated in training forms! Furthermore. Steven Turek explains the great ad-vantage of game forms with provocation rules. The training forms themselves con-sist of several exercises, small-sided game, large game forms up to team tactics. Par-ticularly impressive are the innumerable variations, small tips and coaching, which Steven Turek repeatedly incorporated and thus makes a perfect transfer to the pitch possible! Which basic elements of the back three can be trained? The advantage of game forms with provocation rules Detailed and close-to-practice forms of exercise Small sided games with countless variations and tips Game-related big game forms

Variable Pressing Strategies - Seminar 1 (Download)

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Variable Pressing Strategies - Seminar 1 (Download)
Variable Pressing Strategies Seminar 1: Variants of pressing in analysis and comparison Author und Presenter: Ralf PeterDirector and Editor: Peter SchreinerAnimations: 9 - Graphics: 52 - Playtime: 51 Min Main topics: Basic considerations Types of strikers and their possibilities against the ball Central midfielders (CM) Own defensive basic order Opposing offensive basic order Where should the ball ideally be won? Central On the wing Pressing space Midfield Pressing Defensive Pressing Attacking Pressing Behavior, when the opponent escapes the pressing Midfield Pressing Directed inwards, "temporized" Directed inwards, "active" Directed outwards, "temporized" Directed outwards, "active" Training forms Exercises for inward directed midfield pressing / attacking pressing Team tactically Group tactically up to 4 against 4 Group tactically (complex up to 6 vs 6) Outward directed, controlled midfield pressingTraining forms for outward directed pressing

Variable Pressing Strategies - Seminar 2 (Download)

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Variable Pressing Strategies - Seminar 2 (Download)
Variable Pressing Strategies Seminar 2: Current build-up strategies against organized pressing Author und Presenter: Ralf PeterDirector and Editor: Peter SchreinerAnimations: 23 - Graphics: 19 - Playtime: 60 Min. Main topics: Build-up strategies „Dynamic Back Three“ „Target player“ (full back) pushes very high „Target player“ (CM) goes into the half-field „Target player“ (CM) runs into the direction of his own back four Opposing team plays long balls / focuses on the 2nd ball Variable pressing strategies Pressing from the 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1 against a "Dynamic Back Three" Midfield pressing against a dynamic back three - directed outwards Midfield pressing against a dynamic back three - directed inwards Pressing from the 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1 against a "Dynamic Back Three" (2) Midfield pressing against a dynamic back three of 4-3-3- or 4-1-4-1 (directed inwards) Midfield pressing against a dynamic back three of 4-3-3- or 4-1-4-1 (directed outwards) Midfield pressing against a dynamic back three of 4-3-3 with OM’s (directed inwards) Pressing from the 4-4-2 with a midfield diamond against a "Dynamic Back Three" Pressing against a "Dynamic Back Three" from 4-4-2 with a diamond resolved to 4-3-3 (directed inwards) Opponent plays long balls -Attacks the 2nd ballAttacking Pressing Midfield Pressing / Attacking Pressing from the 4-4-2 with a diamond

Positional Training - Seminar 2 (Download)

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Positional Training - Seminar 2 (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter Positional Training 2 - Central Defender Topics: Technical and tactical requirements for building up the game of the center back, important function in the build-up, interaction with the players in the respective system, basic behavior in opening the play against 1, 2 or 3 strikers. In addition to the tactical explanations, Ralf Peter presents training exercises for small groups and a team training.Playing time: approx. 49 minutes

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Modern Defending - Part 3 - Team Tactics (Download)

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Modern Defending - Part 3 - Team Tactics (Download)
Author: Ralf Peter (DFB coach and educator) Length: 48 minutes   Soccer Tactics Modern Defending Part 3 -  Team Defense Tactics   This eVideo includes: - Introducing the back four system - Playing with a 4-3-3 system - Playing with a 3-5-2 system    This eVideo shows you how to teach a ball-oriented defensive concept on the basis of comprehensive individual and group defensive tactics training. While the method shown here uses a playing system with a back four, it can be applied to other systems as well.   Series Modern Defending 1-3 In this series the Ralf Peter shows a systematic method of teaching ball-oriented defense, focusing on: tactical sequences in detail, recognizing and correcting mistakes, and relevant exercises. Whether your formation includes a sweeper, a back three or a back four, 1 v. 1 play is the foundation for all forms of defending. That's why individual defensive training is the first step toward ball-oriented defense. Building on individual defensive training, the next critical step forward toward ball-oriented defense is to learn defensive tactics for groups of two, three and four. Outnumbering your opponents near the ball is the ultimate goal of ball-oriented defense. Introducing the back four system (basic movement of the back four, back four plus two midfield defenders, back four plus four midfielders, playing with a 4-4-2 system: defensive third and midfield pressing, attacking third pressing).

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