German Top Level Tactics
German Top Level Tactics
Author: Steven Turek Pages: 64 Pages Drills: 35 Practices Level: U11-PRO PDF Preview of "Pressing - Games" Pressing Mastery: Practices, Insights, Tips and Tricks by Steven Turek "Pressing Games" is a practical eBook for soccer coaches, written by Coach Steven Turek. It offers 35 effective drills focused on pressing and counter-pressing, inspired by successful teams like FC Barcelona, FC Liverpool, and those coached by Mourinho and Simeone. This book provides straightforward coaching tips and game principles, aiming to enhance players' skills in high-intensity play. It's a valuable resource for coaches looking to improve their team's performance in pressing, with accessible, impactful training methods that will elevate your team's game. Steven Turek during a coaching seminar Defensive Dynamics: Mastering Opponent Possession The book focuses on the "Opponent Possession" phase in soccer, emphasizing defensive strategies when the opponent controls the ball. It outlines key principles of play, serving as a practical framework for training and communication between coaches and players. The guide features game forms, from 1v1 to 11v11, structured around these principles to simulate real-match scenarios. Key defensive tactics covered Applying Pressure Building and Defending Lines Altering Lines Recovering Lines Man Marking/Block Preparing Counters These principles are essential for a team's defensive strategy, adapting to the game's dynamics. The book also offers coaching tips for anticipating plays and positioning players for effective defense and quick offensive transitions. About the Author Steven TurekBorn in 1990, Steven is a coach in professional youth football. Since 2016, he has contributed to dozens of coaching resources (books, eVideos, and more), published in numerous international coaching magazines, and is a sought-after speaker both domestically and abroad. Since 2019, he has been a co-founder of the coaching platform Coach2 – Academy, which offers online courses for coaches.
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Author: Steven Turek Pages: 60 - Graphics: 53 Pressing-Resistance Tactical Principles – Match Solutions - Drills Steven Turek: „Pressing-Resistance is the ability to identify the opposing pressing, resist it and purposefully outplay it.“ Every coach knows the situation: The own team builds up the play and is early pressured on. Passes are desperately played from one player to the other, until one clears the ball long. What’s needed in these situations is call pressing-resistance. The ability to identify the opposing pressing, break it and purposefully outplay it! In order that your team becomes individually as well as team-tactically more pressing-resistant, you’ll find the following chapters in the eBook: Tactical principles to identify the opposing pressing Valuable changes of perspectives Fundamentals for an individual skillset to break pressing Specific Strategies to solve a blocked goal-kick Match solutions for the play on the wing and in the center Practical training exercises for a perfect transfer onto the pitch A core element of most offensive strategies, is usually the attempt to press the opponent into motion, more precisely, into sprinting. Pressing distinguishes itself by players creating high pressure on the ball carrier. Why don’t we consequently consider that opposing pressure in a positive way and use it for our own strategy? That’s exactly the aspect I want to discuss in “Pressing-Resistance”. „The opponent only has ten players as well. If he creates numerical advantage somewhere on the pitch, somewhere else has to be a numerical disadvantage - that’s simple logic.” (Carlo Ancelotti) Exploit the weak points of the pressing! “If a coach considers the opposing pressing in a positive way, strategic aspects become more important, because: Behind every good pressing strategy is an idea, how the ball is supposed to be won. To counter that strategy, I developed all kinds of match solutions, which orient on common pressing strategies and specifically focus on weak spots. To focus on these weak spots, it can happen that specific types of players find themselves in unfamiliar positions on the pitch. Therewith, I purposefully want to provide suggestions and break up common thinking patterns.” (Steven Turek) Chances and Risks If Pressing-Resistance is successfully implemented, different advantages emerge: A favorable ratio of players in the attack after successfully outplaying the first pressing-line Adjustment-Mechanisms of the opponent (for example quick dropping towards their own goal, strategic fouls and so on) Demoralization of the opponent, when pressing-strategies don’t work
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PDF Preview of "Rondos and Positional Games for Coaching of Tactical" German Top Level Tactics - Part 8Rondos and Positional Games for Coaching of Tactical Authors: Levent Sürme, Martin WengPages: 87Graphics: 61Exercises: 50 50 Rondos and Positional Games It is well known, that each training session consists of several parts. Rondos are now a firmly planned element in almost every session. There are probably very few coaches in the world who don’t include them in practices. Usually built in a rectangle, for example exercises in 4:4 + 2 or similar take place. In particular, Pep Guardiola, during in his time at FC Barcelona and later at FC Bayern Munich, made positional games more and more popular in many variations. But each Rondo has its own details and outcomes. This eBook includes: 10 Rondos for pressing 10 Rondos for offensive transitions 10 Rondos for playing deep 10 Rondos for attacking the final third 10 Rondos for speed up decision making Of particular value is the information regarding coaching, organization and possible variations. Peter Schreiner - IFJ96 The ebook by Levent Sürme and Martin Weng is something quite special. Very good, tactical preliminary remarks clarify the authors’objective: Five main topics (pressing, going on the offensive, in-depth playing, playing in the final third and swiftness of action) are introduced using vivid examples from professional soccer and impeccably rehearsed on the basis of 10 game forms. Of particular value is the information regarding coaching, organization and possible variations. This allows every coach to implement the rondos and game forms presented in targeted fashion during training, and thus prepare his players in motivated and diversified fashion for the demands of the 11 against 11 game. About the authors Levent Sürme Levent Sürme joined FC Augsburg at the age of 7 until he was 19. 2003, after he had to quit due to an injury, he started working for FC Augsburg as a youth coach for the U8 team. He has got the UEFA “A” Licence and worked under Thomas Tuchel and Manuel Baum who were head of the academy. He was head coach at FC Augsburg for 15 years. U8-U17. Last three years head coach of the U17 Bundesliga-Team. From 2018 to 2020 he was the head coach of the U15-Team at RB Leipzig. With the beginning of this season he works for SKY as an analyst for the Champions League matches. He also holds seminars for some Football-Associations in Germany and the Turkish-Football-Federation. Martin Weng Martin Weng joined FC Augsburg at the age of 11 and played there until the U19 team. After that he played for several years in the amateur field and started his coaching career at the age of 28 as a player-coach. He has got the UEFA “A” Licence and studied business administration (diploma thesis was the marketing of FC Augsburg). From 2016 to 2018 he was assistant coach of the FC Augsburg U17 Bundesliga-Team. Since 2018 he is head coach of the first team at the bavarian amateur club FC Gundelfingen. He is also coach at the talent development programm from the german football association (U11-U14).
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eBook Series: German Top Level Tactics - Part 3 Tactical Principles Analysis of Situations in the Game A Variety of Practices and How to Coach Them Author: Steven Turek Edited by: Peter Schreiner Translated by: Tjorben Becker Editor: Institute of Youth soccer, Essen - Germany ( Pages: 56 - Graphics: 42 Content: The third part of the series “German Top Level Tactics” thematizes attacking with the long ball. In the known pattern “Fundamental Principles - Match-Situation - Exercises”, Steven Turek answers among many others topics, the following questions: What technical and tactical skills requires a team willing to attack with long balls? How can I effectively use the shifting movement of the opposing team for my purposes? Which solutions can precisely be implemented during the match? Which mechanisms are necessary in case of losing the ball? Which coherence exists between attacking with long balls and counterpressing? After these basics, concrete match-situations will be described. The situations will be illustrated with detailed explanations, possible error sources and “what-if-situations”. The book is rounded off by a well balanced practical part in which different exercises for all ages are explicitly described.
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eBook Series: German Top Level Tactics - Part 2 Tactical Principles Analysis of Situations in the Game A Variety of Practices and How to Coach Them Author: Steven Turek Edited by: Peter Schreiner Translated by: Tjorben Becker Editor: Institute of Youth soccer, Essen - Germany ( Pages: 52 - Graphics: 41 Content: The second part of the series “German Top Level Tactics” is all about the Back Three. The coach and expert on tactics Steven Turek presents at the beginning theoretical principles and deals especially with the following questions: Which impact has the build up of a back three on the rest of the formation? What is the correct build up of a back three? What advantages and disadvantages come along with a back three? In the second chapter, Steven Turek focuses on concrete situations in competition and describes detailed solutions of the back three. All solutions are described with the definite timing of paths as well as exceptions and specialties. The last part of the book presents practical exercises. The spectrum reaches over practical drills up to complex team-tactical exercises.
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Author: Steven Turek Pages: 96 Graphics: 87 Attacking Against Low Block Teams Basic Tactical Principles – Match Solutions - Training Exercises The fifth part of the series “German Top Level Tactics” discusses how to attack against low block teams. Many teams resort to this tactical element for the purpose of exasperating strong offensive teams. To have apposite answers to that defensive construct, you will find on more than 90 pages’ numerous basic principles, which confer the attacking play an optimal structure. Thereby, the following principles are made us of: The principle of short pass distances Effectively outplay entire lines The manning of strategically important spaces The behavior in and around the penalty box And many more! Farther, numerous changes in perspective, remarks und quotes take care of an easy and simultaneously detailed understanding. Concrete match-solutions and strategies provide amongst others answers to the following questions: Where are the crucial differences in the play against a back four respectively back five? What determines the position of the wing backs and the wing players? In which way contributes counterpressing to a successful finish? The last part provides several competition-like exercises and games - adjusted to the play against a back four or a back five and strategies to improve counterpressing.
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eBook Series: German Top Level Tactics Part 1: Fundamental Attacking Strategies Tactical Principles Analysis of Situations in the Game A Variety of Practices and How to Coach Them Author: Steven Turek (with help and prologue by Ralf Peter) Edited by: Peter Schreiner Translated by: Tjorben Becker Editor: Institute of Youth soccer, Essen - Germany The first part of the new ebook series “German Top Level Tactics” by Steven Turek and Ralf Peters deals with specific attacking strategies to improve the tactical knowledge of your team. It gives detailed information on how to efficiently open and use space against deeply defending opponents and provides concrete solutions for the build-up. Based on the presented solutions, training exercises from simple to complex will be explained with specific emphasize on the right coaching. This literature is recommended for all coaches who want to develop a deeper understanding on the own attacking philosophy and serves as ideal source to acquire soccer-specific expertise.
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eBook Series: German Top Level Tactics - Part 4 Why Counterpressing? Tactical Principles Analysis of Situations in the Game 25 Effective Exercises and How to Coach Them Author: Steven Turek Edited by: Peter Schreiner Translated by: Tjorben Becker Editor: Institute of Youth soccer, Essen - Germany ( Pages: 69 - Graphics: 52 Content: After the first three parts of the series “German Top Level Tactics” focused on attacking strategies, the author Steven Turek now devotes the fourth part on the interesting topic of counterpressing. Already in the first parts, the author made remarks and defined fundamental principles to this topic - now he presents an entire book focusing on counterpressing! Firstly, the question will be answered what counterpressing actually is and why it is meaningful to implement it into your philosophy. In the following, Turek focuses on descriptions to all measures which could be applied in each game phase. Among others, the following questions will be answered: Which coherence exists between measures and ball possession (e.g. definite attacking strategies) and counterpressing? Which measures need already be applied in own ball possession? What are the most important fundamental principles in the moment of a lost ball? The theoretical part will be completed with possibilities to act after successful counterpressing - but also what to do, if counterpressing fails. Especially the detailed practical part of this book is to be seen as a highlight. Steven Turek presents 25 exercises with detailed descriptions and extensive variations which enable the effective and playful training of counterpressing with every number of players and players of all ages.
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